Their annual fundraising breakfast was incredible. Nearly five hundred people gathered at Church Street Station in Orlando to hear testimonials from people who have been helped by the organization. My business partner and I had the pleasure of producing this year's video featuring patients who received care from the volunteer nurses and doctors. You can watch the video by clicking here.

After the video played, the three patients were called up on stage. One of them spoke, and she was amazing. Heloisa Martins moved here from Brazil sixteen years ago. She's been working in Florida the whole time, but can't affrord health insurance. She has breast cancer, and spends her days off in chemotherapy. Heloisa credits Shepherd's Hope with saving her life. She thanked the doctors who found her tumor, the surgeon who performed the biopsy, and the donors who made it possible. Heloisa said she hoped by telling her story, she was able to help just one more person get care at Shepherd's Hope.
I realized that I was surrounded by hundreds of people who volunteer their time to help people like Heloisa. They have helped tens of thousands of patients since Shepherd's Hope was founded more than a decade ago. It's incredibly rewarding, and incredibly inspiring.

The theme for the event was "The Power of One", and they quoted Lily Tomlin who said "I always wondered why somebody didn't do something about that, then I realized I was somebody".
Each ONE of us can make a difference.
I encourage you to watch the video, and get involved. If not with Shepherd's Hope, with any organization that reaches out to those who need it most. Isn't it time you were inspired?
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